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Chakra – 333Connect http://333connect.com All Things Metaphysical Fri, 30 Jun 2017 00:57:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.6 http://333connect.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/logo_new2-100x100.jpg Chakra – 333Connect http://333connect.com 32 32 What is the Crown Chakra? http://333connect.com/what-is-the-crown-chakra.html Sat, 03 Nov 2012 10:16:00 +0000 http://333connect.com/?p=410 Crown Chakra

This chakra carries the energy of divine illumination and enlightenment. It is the source of our higher consciousness. When we fully open this chakra it channels the divine essence into our physical being. When all seven chakras are fully opened we are purified and the true essence of our being is understood.

The following is a list of questions to ask yourself so you can determine if this is an area that needs clearing.

  • Are you dedicated to the divine consciousness?
  • Do you trust your spiritual reality?
  • Can you balance your spirituality and still remain grounded?
  • Are you lacking faith because you only believe in your own abilities?
  • Have you integrated your intuitive energy with your intellect?

Symptoms of an Unbalanced Crown Chakra

If you are suffering from some or all of the following symptoms then there is a high probability that your Crown Chakra needs to be balanced:

  • Lack of understanding
  • Confusion
  • Lack of Inspiration
  • Spiritual Cynicism
  • Desensitized to the spirit realm
  • Overly Materialistic

Issues resulting from an Unbalanced Crown Chakra

  • Inability to Focus
  • Migraines
  • Deterioration of the central nervous system
  • Accelerated Aging
  • Desensitization

Meditation to Balance your Sacral Chakra

Psychological Benefits of Meditation

Increasing your intelligence

Enhancing your creativity

Drastically improving your ability to think clearly

Physical Benefits of Meditation

Reduced muscular tension

Decreased high blood pressure

Ability to sleep more deeply and restfully

Emotional Benefits of Meditation

Improved sense of positivity

Increased confidence

Spiritual Benefits of Meditation

A greater sense of purpose and meaning in their lives

A feeling of connectedness to others

Healing Foods to Balance your Crown Chakra

This chakra is not nourished in the same way as the other six chakras. It is a chakra associated with spirit rather than the physical so it does not thrive on typical foods as the others do. It does thrive on sustenance that is derived from the sun, air and love.

Aromatherapy for the Crown Chakra

There are a number of scents that can stimulate the Crown Chakra such as:

  • Frankincense
  • Jasmine
  • Rosewood
  • Sandalwood
  • Sage – Removes negative energy from your home.

Gemstones Therapy for the Crown Chakra

  • Amethyst – Aids in spiritual awareness and achieving inner peace.
  • Quartz Crystal – Helps you to connect with your inner being.

Bach Flowers Remedies for the Crown Chakra

  • Wild Rose – Use this if you have given up on life and are just going with the flow with no effort to improve anything.
  • Mustard – Use this if everything looks hopeless or you become depressed for no apparent reason
  • White Chestnut – If you need control of your thoughts due to continuous negative thoughts or ongoing mental arguments.
What is the Third Eye Chakra? http://333connect.com/what-is-the-third-eye-chakra.html Fri, 02 Nov 2012 21:16:00 +0000 http://333connect.com/?p=408 Third Eye Chakra

This chakra is associated with our multidimensional senses and helps us to move away from our physical limitations that are goverened by ego and materialistic desires.When our spiritual third eye opens we see more spiritual truths and the veil begins to dissipate. This is the place where our true motivation can be found and explored.

The following is a list of questions to ask yourself so you can determine if this is an area that needs clearing.

  • Have you been able to develop your psychic abilities?
  • Do you hang on to negative thoughts?
  • Are you often depressed?
  • Do you trust your intuition?
  • Do you have a tendancy to feel lonely?

Symptoms of an Unbalanced Third Eye Chakra

If you are suffering from some or all of the following symtoms then there is a high probablity that your Third Eye Chakra needs to be balanced:

  • Denial
  • Lack of Imagination
  • Cynical
  • Limited view of Reality
  • Detached from the world
  • Insensitive

Products from Amazon.com

Issues resulting from an Unbalanced Third Eye Chakra

  • Tension
  • Headaches
  • Ear, Nose and throat issues
  • Blockage of multidimensional senses

Mediatation to Balance your Sacral Chakra

Psychological Benefits of Meditation

Increasing your intelligence

Enhancing your creativity

Drastically improving your ability to think clearly

Physical Benefits of Meditation

Reduced muscular tension

Decreased high blood pressure

Ability to sleep more deeply and restfully

Emotional Benefits of Meditation

Improved sense of positivity

Increased confidence

Spiritual Benefits of Meditation

A greater sense of purpose and meaning in their lives

A feeling of connectedness to others

Healing Foods to Balance your Third Eye Chakra

  • Caffiene
  • Chocalate
  • Tea
  • Purple Potatoes
  • Red Onions
  • Blackberries
  • Blueberries
  • Purple Grapes

Aromatherapy for the Third Eye Chakra

There are a number of scents that can stimulate the Third Eye chakra such as:

  • Lemongrass – Opens up Psychic awareness
  • Frankincense
  • Jasmine
  • Rosemary – Helps to clear thoughts and develop understanding
  • Lavender
  • Basil – Clears the mind
  • Clary Sage – Helps us to see more clearly

Gemstones Therapy for the Third Eye Chakra

  • Azurite
  • Blue Tourmaline
  • Iolite
  • Lapis Lazuli

Bach Flowers Remedies for the Third Eye Chakra

  • Sceranthus – Helps to reconnect with your intuition
  • Aspen – Helps to relieve anxiety from unexplained fears
  • Wild Oat – Helps to find your sense of purpose and set your goals
What is the Throat Chakra? http://333connect.com/what-is-the-throat-chakra.html http://333connect.com/what-is-the-throat-chakra.html#comments Fri, 02 Nov 2012 03:14:00 +0000 http://333connect.com/?p=406 Throat Chakra

This chakra controls the throat and neck so it is naturally associated with communication or the aspects of expressing and receiving. A well balanced throat chakra allows you to express yourself more freely. Inspiration will flow more freely as you can receive more easily.

The following is a list of questions to ask yourself so you can determine if this is an area that needs clearing.

  • Are you able to express your inner truth
  • Can you trust others without doubt in them
  • Are you concerned with financial security and the ability to have nice processions
  • Are you too talkative or overly shy
  • Do you have good organizational skills

Symptoms of an Unbalanced Throat Chakra

If you are suffering from some or all of the following symptoms then there is a high probability that your Throat Chakra needs to be balanced:

  • Lies
  • Lack of communication
  • Excessive talking without saying anything
  • Gossiping
  • Unable to receive guidance from the spiritual realm
  • Excessively  guided by Ego

Issues resulting from an Unbalanced Throat Chakra

  • Ear Issues
  • Nose Issues
  • Throat Issues
  • Jaw problems
  • Toxic Body

Meditation to Balance your Throat Chakra

Psychological Benefits of Meditation

Increasing your intelligence

Enhancing your creativity

Drastically improving your ability to think clearly

Physical Benefits of Meditation

Reduced muscular tension

Decreased high blood pressure

Ability to sleep more deeply and restfully

Emotional Benefits of Meditation

Improved sense of positivity

Increased confidence

Spiritual Benefits of Meditation

A greater sense of purpose and meaning in their lives

A feeling of connectedness to others

Healing Foods to Balance your Throat Chakra

The throat chakra encourages a variety of foods.

  • Seaplants
  • Fruits and Juices
  • Soups

 Aromatherapy for the Throat Chakra

There are a number of scents that can stimulate the Throat chakra such as:

  • Rose
  • Jasmine
  • Rosewood
  • Sandlewood
  • Eucalyptus
  • Peppermint
  • Lavender

Gemstones Therapy for the Throat Chakra

Most blue colored gemstones can help in the balancing process.

  • Turquoise
  • Aquamarine
  • Topaz
  • Lapis Lazuli

Bach Flowers Remedies for the Throat Chakra

  • Agrimony – Helps with the relief of suppressed emotions
  • Cerato – helps develop trust of your own inner voice
  • Mimulus – helps with a fear of everyday life or with being shy around others
  • Larch – helps with a lack of confidence



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What is the Solar Plexus Chakra? http://333connect.com/what-is-the-solar-plexus-chakra.html Thu, 01 Nov 2012 04:00:00 +0000 http://333connect.com/?p=398 Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus Chakra is associated with your mental awareness and connects you to your mind power. This is the center where you learn and comprehend. You emit optimism and confidence from this area. This area also governs your ego and will power.

The following is a list of questions to ask yourself to see if this area needs clearing:

  • Are you so flexible that you are unable to focus and concentrate?
  • Is your confidence very low so that you are always concerned with what other people think?
  • Do you take on too much responsibility because you think you always know best?
  • Are you afraid to be alone?
  • Are you always doing everything yourself because you are a perfectionist?

Symptoms of an Unbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra

If you are suffering from some or all of the following symptoms then there is a high probability that your Solar Plexus Chakra needs to be balanced:

  • If you lack will power and easily give in to others
  • If you lack self esteem
  • If you can never seem to get things done
  • If you lack energy and are tired all of the time
  • If you suffer from anxiety

Issues resulting from an Unbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra

  • Digestive Disorders
  • Ulcers
  • Blood Sugar Issues including Diabetes
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Liver Problems
  • Gall Bladder Issues

Meditation to Balance your Solar Plexus Chakra

Psychological Benefits of Meditation

Increasing your intelligence

Enhancing your creativity

Drastically improving your ability to think clearly

Physical Benefits of Meditation

Reduced muscular tension

Decreased high blood pressure

Ability to sleep more deeply and restfully

Emotional Benefits of Meditation

Improved sense of positivity

Increased confidence

Spiritual Benefits of Meditation

A greater sense of purpose and meaning in their lives

A feeling of connectedness to others

Healing Foods to Balance your Solar Plexus Chakra

  • Yellow Colored Food such as corn, yellow apples and yellow tomatoes
  • Grains and Fiber
  • Peppermint and chamomile tea

Aromatherapy for the Solar Plexus Chakra

There are a number of scents that can stimulate the sacral chakra such as:

  • Rose
  • Sandalwood
  • Frankincense
  • Ginger
  • Chamomile
  • Peppermint
  • Lavender

Gemstones Therapy for the Solar Plexus Chakra

Choose Orange colored gemstones to stimulate the energy of your Solar Plexus Chakra.

  • Topaz
  • Citrine
  • Amber
  • Yellow Jasper

Bach Flowers Remedies for the Solar Plexus Chakra

  • Impatiens – Helps with impatience and anger
  • White Chestnut – Keeps negative or unwanted thoughts away
  • Hornbeam – If just thinking of what you need to do makes you tired
  • Larch – Builds confidence and self esteem
  • Scleranthus – Helps bring focus to make decisions

Back Flowers remedies are meant to be placed under the tongue before swallowing. Make sure you follow the label for directions.

What is the Heart Chakra? http://333connect.com/what-is-the-heart-chakra.html Thu, 01 Nov 2012 01:01:48 +0000 http://333connect.com/?p=404 Heart Chakra

The heart chakra connects you to your emotions. This chakra allows you to love and give unconditionally. The energy from this area integrates the physical reality with your spiritual connection.

The following is a list of questions to ask yourself so you can determine if this is an area that needs clearing.

  • Are you having problems with relationships?
  • Do you have problems keeping friends?
  • Do you feel isolated?
  • Are you unable to love yourself and others?
  • Do you have difficulty letting others into your life?

Symptoms of an Unbalanced Heart Chakra

If you are suffering from some or all of the following symptoms then there is a high probability that your Heart Chakra needs to be balanced:

  • Withholding Love
  • Controlling and demanding
  • Critical
  • Judgmental
  • Lack of Empathy
  • Jealousy

Issues resulting from an Unbalanced Heart Chakra

  • Heart Disorders
  • Lung Disorders
  • Circulatory Dysfunction
  • Weak Immune System
  • Shoulders carry a lot of tension

Mediatation to Balance your Heart Chakra

Psychological Benefits of Meditation

Increasing your intelligence

Enhancing your creativity

Drastically improving your ability to think clearly

Physical Benefits of Meditation

Reduced muscular tension

Decreased high blood pressure

Ability to sleep more deeply and restfully

Emotional Benefits of Meditation

Improved sense of positivity

Increased confidence

Spiritual Benefits of Meditation

A greater sense of purpose and meaning in their lives

A feeling of connectedness to others

 Healing Foods to Balance your Heart Chakra

  • Green Colored Foods such as broccoli, kale, cabbage and leafy greens. These are rich in chlorophyll.
  • Green Tea

Aromatherapy for the Heart Chakra

There are a number of scents that can stimulate the heart chakra such as:

  • Rose – Provides emotional balance
  • Jasmine– Provides emotional balance
  • Eucalyptus – Good for balancing the repertory system
  • Peppermint– Good for balancing the repertory system
  • Sandalwood– Provides emotional balance

Mountain Rose Herbs. A Herbs, Health & Harmony Com

Gemstones Therapy for the Heart Chakra

  • Rose Quartz
  • Emerald
  • Green Aventurine
  • Malachite
  • Jade

These will stimulate the energy of the heart. As always use your intuition to use the best gemstone for you. The Rose Quartz has the best overall healing qualities.

Bach Flowers Remedies for the Heart Chakra

  • Chicory – Use this if you are using possessive love over others to the point of driving them away. This kind of love will make the other person dependant on you.
  • Beech – If you cannot tolerate difference and are lacking compassion towards others this can help.
  • Red Chestnut – Use this if you are excessively worried about your loved ones and are constantly fearful for them.

What is the Root Chakra? http://333connect.com/what-is-the-root-chakra.html http://333connect.com/what-is-the-root-chakra.html#comments Tue, 30 Oct 2012 12:17:00 +0000 http://333connect.com/?p=392 Root Chakra


The Root Chakra is your Power Chakra. This is the Chakra that is connected to your endurance and vitality. As with all chakras there are issues in your life that can tell you if this chakra is properly balanced.

The following is a list of questions to ask yourself so you can determine if this is an area that needs clearing.
1.    Are you physically fit?
2.    Do you have current issues of physical or verbal abuse in your life?
3.    When you establish a goal are you able to achieve it?
4.    Are you able to put your thoughts and ideas into action?
5.    Do your thoughts ever contain self-destruction?
6.    Are money and a home important to you?

Symptoms of an Unbalanced Root Chakra

If you are suffering from some or all of the following symptoms then there is a high probability that your Root Chakra needs to be balanced:

  • Feeling of Insecurity
  • Feelings of being unsafe
  • You are easily overwhelmed
  • Feelings of nervous tension
  •  Constant Lack of Energy

Issues resulting from an Unbalanced Root Chakra

  • Lower Back Pain
  • Arthritis
  • Blood Disorders
  • Digestive Disorders
  • Allergic Reactions
  • Pain in the legs and feet

Meditation to Balance your Root Chakra

Listening to a guided meditation can help to balance your root chakra quickly. There are many benefits to using meditation.

Psychological Benefits of Meditation

Increasing your intelligence
Enhancing your creativity
Drastically improving your ability to think clearly

Physical Benefits of Meditation

Reduced muscular tension
Decreased high blood pressure
Ability to sleep more deeply and restfully

Emotional Benefits of Meditation

Improved sense of positivity
Increased confidence

Spiritual Benefits of Meditation

A greater sense of purpose and meaning in their lives
A feeling of connectedness to others

Healing Foods to Balance your Root Chakra

  • Red colored foods such as apples or beets
  • Hot Spices such as peppers or tabasco sauce
  • vegetables that grow in the ground such as potatoes,carrots or onions
  • Animal protein like red meat or eggs

Aromatherapy for the Root Chakra

There are a number of scents that can stimulate the root chakra such as:

  •  Cedar Wood – earthy and grounding
  • Frankincense – Centering promotes a sense of calm
  • Rosemary – Uplifting properties,helps to alleviate mental and physical exhaustion
  •  Patchouli – Gives strength, grounding balancing
  • Spikenard – Allows us to release fears and move forward

Choose a scent that is pleasing to you.
Place a few drops of the essential Oil in a diffuser.
You can also apply a few drops to a Cold Light Bulb(Make sure it does not drip)
Or apply to the melted part of a candle.

Using Aromatherapy daily will help to clear your chakras.

Gemstones Therapy for the Root Chakra

  • Hematite
  • Black obsidian
  • Garnet
  • Smoky quartz
  • Red jasper
  • Bloodstone
  • Ruby
  • Fire opal

You can use the gemstones as a touch stone and rub it in your hands throughout the day. You can also wear the gemstone on a gold necklace or bracelet.

Bach Flowers Remedies for the Root Chakra

You can harmonize your Root Chakra by using a combination of 2 Bach Remedies as follows:

  • Rock Rose
    If you’re overrun by feelings of fright or panic
  • Clemantis
    If you suffer from insufficient interest in present circumstances, are absent minded or daydream
  • Hornbeam
    If you’re too weak or tired to deal with daily duties
  • Elm
    If you are not coping or are overwhelmed with responsibilities and tasks at hand
  • Sweet Chestnut
    If you suffer from inner hopelessness and despair or mental anguish

Back Flowers remedies are meant to be placed under the tongue before swallowing. Make sure you follow the label for directions.

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What is the Sacral Chakra? http://333connect.com/what-is-the-sacral-chakra.html http://333connect.com/what-is-the-sacral-chakra.html#comments Tue, 30 Oct 2012 07:16:00 +0000 http://333connect.com/?p=395 Sacral Chakra


The Sacral Chakra also known as the spleen chakra is known as your sensation center. This chakra is associated with your emotional body and your willingness to share emotionally.

The following is a list of questions to ask yourself to see if this area needs clearing:

  • Are you enjoying life?
  • Do you feel angry and frustrated?
  • Has your sex drive decreased?
  • Are you having sexual problems?
  • Do you suffer from back pain?

Symptoms of an Unbalanced Sacral Chakra

If you are suffering from some or all of the following symptoms then there is a high probability that your Sacral Chakra needs to be balanced:

  • Over indulgent with food, drugs or alcohol
  • Ability to experience pleasure
  • Disconnection from others
  • Your lack purpose
  • You love drama and thrive on crisis
  • Sexual Difficulties

Issues resulting from an Unbalanced Sacral Chakra

  • Sexual Dysfunction
  • Impotence
  • Stiff lower back
  • Inflexible
  • Uterine, bladder or kidney problems

Meditation to Balance your Sacral Chakra

Psychological Benefits of Meditation

Increasing your intelligence

Enhancing your creativity

Drastically improving your ability to think clearly

Physical Benefits of Meditation

Reduced muscular tension

Decreased high blood pressure

Ability to sleep more deeply and restfully

Emotional Benefits of Meditation

Improved sense of positivity

Increased confidence

Spiritual Benefits of Meditation

A greater sense of purpose and meaning in their lives

A feeling of connectedness to others

Healing Foods to Balance your Sacral Chakra

  • Eat Orange colored foods such as Oranges, tangerines and carrots
  • Eat nuts of any kind
  • Fish especially wild salmon

Aromatherapy for the Sacral Chakra

There are a number of scents that can stimulate the sacral chakra such as:

  • Cardamom: stimulates sexual energy
  • Cardamom: stimulates sexual energy
  • Geranium: nourishes feminine creativity
  • Jasmine: connects sexuality and spirituality
  • Ylang Ylang: promotes sensuality unites

Gemstones Therapy for the Sacral Chakra

Choose Orange colored gemstones to stimulate the energy of your Sacral Chakra.

  • Carnelian
  • Orange Calcite
  • Tiger’s Eye
  • Orange Jasper
  • Fire Opal

Bach Flowers Remedies for the Sacral Chakra

1. Pine-

If you have feelings of guilt, this helps to restore self worth

2. White Chestnut –

Restores lack of interest and clarity of thought.

3. Wild Rose –

Brings back enthusiasm and joy to your life.

4. Mustard –

For feeling of despair and gloom, restores happiness back in your life

5. Agrimony –

Helps you to have the ability to express your true feelings and emotions.

Back Flowers remedies are meant to be placed under the tongue before swallowing. Make sure you follow the label for directions.


Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra also known as the spleen chakra is known as your sensation center. This chakra is associated with your emotional body and your willingness to share emotionally.

The following is a list of questions to ask yourself to see if this area needs clearing:

·         Are you enjoying life?

·         Do you feel angry and frustrated?

·         Has your sex drive decreased?

·         Are you having sexual problems?

·         Do you suffer from back pain?

Symptoms of an Unbalanced Sacral Chakra

If you are suffering from some or all of the following symptoms then there is a high probability that your Sacral Chakra needs to be balanced:

·         Over indulgent with food, drugs or alcohol

·         Ability to experience pleasure

·         Disconnection from others

·         Your lack purpose

·         You love drama and thrive on crisis

·         Sexual Difficulties

Issues resulting from an Unbalanced Sacral Chakra

·         Sexual Dysfunction

·         Impotence

·         Stiff lower back

·         Inflexible

·         Uterine, bladder or kidney problems

Meditation to Balance your Sacral Chakra

Psychological Benefits of Meditation

Increasing your intelligence

Enhancing your creativity

Drastically improving your ability to think clearly

Physical Benefits of Meditation

Reduced muscular tension

Decreased high blood pressure

Ability to sleep more deeply and restfully

Emotional Benefits of Meditation

Improved sense of positivity

Increased confidence

Spiritual Benefits of Meditation

A greater sense of purpose and meaning in their lives

A feeling of connectedness to others

Healing Foods to Balance your Sacral Chakra

·         Eat Orange colored foods such as Oranges, tangerines and carrots

·         Eat nuts of any kind

·         Fish especially wild salmon

Aromatherapy for the Sacral Chakra

There are a number of scents that can stimulate the sacral chakra such as:

·         Cardamom: stimulates sexual energy

·         Cardamom: stimulates sexual energy

·         Geranium: nourishes feminine creativity

·         Jasmine: connects sexuality and spirituality        

·         Ylang Ylang: promotes sensuality unites

Gemstones Therapy for the Sacral Chakra

Choose Orange colored gemstones to stimulate the energy of your Sacral Chakra.

·         Carnelian

·         Orange Calcite

·         Tiger’s Eye

·         Orange Jasper

·         Fire Opal

Bach Flowers Remedies for the Sacral Chakra

1. Pine-

                If you have feelings of guilt, this helps to restore self worth

2. White Chestnut –

                Restores lack of interest and clarity of thought.

3. Wild Rose –

                Brings back enthusiasm and joy to your life.

4. Mustard –

                For feeling of despair and gloom, restores happiness back in your life

5. Agrimony –

                Helps you to have the ability to express your true feelings and emotions.


Back Flowers remedies are meant to be placed under the tongue before swallowing. Make sure you follow the label for directions.

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Chakras-Energy Centers of the Body http://333connect.com/chakras-energy-centers-of-the-body.html Mon, 29 Oct 2012 19:04:00 +0000 http://333connect.com/?p=401 What is a Chakra?

First of all it may be helpful to understand the origination of the work. The term chakra originates from the Sanskrit work of chakrum which means wheel. The chakra’s represent the energy centers of your body. Everyone knows about the physical body because you can see it and feel it. We also know about our mental and emotional bodies because they are always felt by us. The chakra system even though it is with everyone it is rarely acknowledged. Even though this energy system within is what is in need of balancing.

An unbalanced chakra system can cause many of life’s issues. It is also responsible for many of the great things that happen in your life. Unless you are familiar with holistic sciences you will either have never heard about the chakras or if you have heard of them you probably have chosen to not give them much credence.

The chakra energy system is composed of seven major chakra’s that are located along our central nervous system. They are all located at major glands where the energy collects before it continues on. The chakras act to monitor the amount of energy that enters and leaves that area of the body.

Stimulating the Chakras

When your chakras are working well then the energy flows smoothly. We feel balanced. When any of the chakras are out of balance and become blocked or clogged we feel “out of sorts” or lethargic. We just do not operate at peak performance. Pain, depression and and other ailments can be a sign of one or more of your chakras being out of tune. Your chakras can be tuned up with a variety of methods. These methods include music, scent, colors and meditation.

The seven major chakras are:

1.The Root Chakra is located at the base of your spine in the area of the tailbone. The color associated with this chakra is Red. The energy in this area is associated with your financial independence and food.This gives you your feeling of being grounded. Read more on The Root Chakra

2. The Sacral Chakra is located in the lower abdomen about 2 inches below the navel. The color associated with this chakra is Orange. The energy in this area is associated with your ability to accept others and new experiences. Read More on The Sacral Chakra

3. The Solar Plexus Chakra is located in your upper abdomen in the stomach area. The color associated with this chakra is Yellow. The energy in this area is associated with your feeling of self-confidence and being in control of your own life. Read More on The Solar Plexus Chakra.

4. The Heart Chakra is located in the chest just above your heart.The color associated with this chakra is green. The energy in this area is associated with your ability to love. Read More on The Heart Chakra.

5. The Throat Chakra is located in your throat. The color associated with this chakra is blue. Your ability to communicate is controlled by this chakra. Read More on The Throat Chakra.

6. The Third Eye Chakra is located at your forehead between the eyes. The color for this chakra is indigo. This chakra is associated with your psychic ability and the universal consciousness. Read More on The Third Eye Chakra.

7. The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head.The color associated with this chakra is Violet. The energy associated with this chakra is your spiritual connection. It is the energy of knowing and enlightenment. Read More on The Crown Chakra.


Seven Chakras Health/Body Collation Chart http://333connect.com/seven-chakras-healthbody-collation-chart.html http://333connect.com/seven-chakras-healthbody-collation-chart.html#comments Mon, 25 Jan 2010 03:00:22 +0000 http://333connect.com/?p=58 1 Survival,
tribal issues, instinct, past life issues, family, marriage,
parenting, correct behavior, society, ability to provide basic
needs for living. Following the establishment and the families
rules. Doing what your family/spouse wants. Trying to fit in.
Compromises to these issues.
Main supporting
functions of body: blood, bone, and immune disorders. Rectal
cancers & trouble. Base of spine/ chronic lower back pain.
Feet and leg problems including varicose veins and leg cramps.
2 Power, creativity, sexual
issues, blame, control, passion, ethics, money,  greed,
honor in relationship issues, fidelity, feelings of repression
or wrongness in sexual matters. Reproduction issues. Birthing
new ideas.
Reproductive organs are
effected from menstrual cycle problems, cancers in this area,
to impotency. Pelvic and lower back pains, urinary and bladder
problems, hips.
3 Responsibility issues,
caring for others, trust, fear, guilt, career, intimidation,
personal honor, victimization feelings, and courage. Self concern
issues; self- respect, sensitivity to criticism, self-esteem,
self-worth and own confidence.
Indigestion, stomach,
intestinal, and colon problems. Eating disorders. Diabetes,
arthritis, adrenal, pancreas, liver dysfunctions, gall bladder,
kidneys, and ulcers. Spleen and middle of back problems.
4 Love, happiness, desire
for happiness, sadness, anger, hatred, prejudism, loneliness,
forgiveness, compassion, hopes, desires, wants, grief, resentments,
commitment, trust in your close interpersonal relationships.
Choices in love.
Heart and circulatory
system, lungs, breathing problems, chest area, breasts, asthma
and associated allergies, pneumonia, bronchitis, upper back,
shoulder, and arm problems.
5 Communication, expressing
yourself, telling truth, following your dreams and being true
to yourself. Addictions, habits, judgement, faith, making decisions,
knowing and being yourself, criticism, will power, doing what
you said you would do. All forms of expression & communication.
Neck area, mouth, teeth,
gums, mouth sores. Thyroid and gland problems. Throat, esophagus,
hiatal hernias, sore throats, choking, gagging, laryngitis.
6 Truth, knowledge, intellect,
intuitive powers, learning from experience, feeling inadequate,
inner wisdom, knowing yourself and self evaluation, open-mindedness,
accepting yourself and others. Listening and seeing openly.
Ears including hearing
problems and ringing. Eye problems including sensitivity to
light to blindness. Nose, brain and nervous system, full spine
problems, learning problems.
7 Spirituality, devotion
to spiritual and personal matters. Unconditional love to self,
the earth, and to others. Empathy, humanitarism, selflessness,
values, and ethics. Connection with ULEK™, ability to
go with the flow of life and to see the larger picture, inspiration
without wants. The Higher Self.
Skin and muscle systems
are effected. Energy/exhaustion problems, mystical depression
and searching feelings, sensitivity to the environment, sun,
light, and sound.
http://333connect.com/seven-chakras-healthbody-collation-chart.html/feed 1
Chakras http://333connect.com/chakras.html Mon, 25 Jan 2010 02:55:09 +0000 http://333connect.com/?p=56 The word ‘chakra’ is derived from a Sanskrit word meaning ‘wheel’; but perhaps even a better translation would be spinning wheel. If you could see chakras (as many of us whom work with them do) you would be able to see each primary chakra as a spinning vortex or wheel of energy; spinning inward from the front of your body towards the center point of that chakra on the kunilini and then spinning outward from that same point from your back.

Chakra Locations

The chakras start at the base of the spine and go up through the head on the kunilini which is located almost on your spinal column. The kunilini is shaped like a staff and many have mentioned that the Twenty-third Psalm of The Bible is speaking of the kunilini. Almost all religions believe in the spiritual and energy power points within the human body and these power points are called chakras.

There are seven primary or main chakra points with about a hundred smaller secondary chakras. The smaller points are often called meridians and are used during acupuncture to attune the Chi flow. The secondary chakra points are influenced with action and physicality while the seven primary chakras deal with emotions and spirituality. The primary chakras influence your health greatly, the health concerns related to them are caused by an unbalance in the chakra itself, from an emotional or spiritual cause, which then manifests into a physical ailment. Each chakra relates strongly to a specific part of the body, specific emotions, mental, and spiritual concerns. Seven Chakras Health/Body Collation Chart
