Bowen Therapy

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The Bowen Technique is a gentle hands-on therapy that is useful in promoting healing where long term muscular pain has been inhibiting to the client’s lifestyle. Although it does involve active bodywork, Bowen work is not a type of massage.

The treatment comprises a specific series of vibrational movements applied to muscles ,tendons and connective tissue, performed in a fixed sequence. The aim is to disturb the muscles and soft tissues, as well as the energetic body surrounding the physical. After three or four of these movements, the client is left in peace to process the last section and allow for the body to be receptive to the next sequence.

The treatment was developed by Tom Bowen, an Australian who established it as a recognized therapy between the 1950 – 1970. Now practiced world wide, the Bowen technique is useful in treating cases of chronic or acute musculo-skeletal pain, and in the healing and regeneration of tissue as a result of sports injuries.

A Bowen technique lasts for app. 45 minutes and is performed with the client wearing light clothing.